Collaborate across teams to create amazing content in an an environment that's made for writing and integrates into your existing website.
There is no need to remember complicated formatting rules. Just write.
Empower your entire team to work together and share insights from your entire organization.
With a Headless CMS, You can write all your content in one place and then publish it on your existing site. It works great with tools like Next.js and Gatsby.
import { GraphQLClient, gql } from 'graphql-request'const query = gql`query ListDocuments {documents(includeDrafts: false) {idisPublishedmetaDescriptionmetaTitlepublishedAtslugsubtitletitle}}`const client = new GraphQLClient('', {headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.PMKIN_API_KEY}`}}const { documents } = await client.request(query)